The FIFA-MA Referee Course held at the PNGFA Education Centre in Lae was delivered with pitch-perfect timing for Papua New Guinea ahead of the kick-off to the National Soccer League.

OFC/FIFA Referee Technical Instructor Rakesh Varman from Fiji and FIFA Fitness Instructor Kader Touati of Tahiti led 35 participants through their paces over five-days with the current Laws of the Game a big focus.

The two external instructors were joined by PNGFA Referee Development Officer Jimmy Warai and local instructors Job Minan, Hillary Ani and Ben Niso.

The 35 participants represented a range of different PNGFA Member Associations including Port Moresby, Madang, National Capital District Public Servant, Wabag and Lae.

PNGFA President John Kapi Natto was encouraging of all participants to make the most of the opportunity to continue their development.

“I want you to use this to better equip yourself for our association, and for yourself,” he stated.

Mixing the theoretical with practical components the course is designed to help participants better understand the Laws of the Game and their application.

Varman said the objective of the course was to improve each referee’s knowledge of the Laws of the Game, their skills in player management, fitness and mental discipline.

“Refereeing evolves, and to remain a referee you need to know football and understand the game,” Varman said.

The course is particularly important due to the introduction of a number of new Laws of the Game this year. The work starts here, learning as much as you can from this course and then applying it to the games,” Varaman pointed out.

“You have to make time to study the Laws of the Game, train and work hard to get to a higher level. No one can do this, only you. You have to do this yourself and on your own. We are here to help you all and PNGFA is here to help too, but ultimately the hard work has to be done by you.”