The Oceania Football Confederation (OFC) continues to develop match officials across the region, with the latest edition of the OFC Referees Academy Programme delivered online via Zoom on Thursday night.
Twenty eight referees took part after the programme was cancelled in 2019 and 2020 due to challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.
The academy aligns with the OFC Football Division Strategy 2019-2026, with a focus on education and capacity building.
It is also an integral part of identifying talent early and aims to nurture the wellbeing of young and aspiring referees, while providing them with a career pathway.
Facilitators of the programme include former FIFA and OFC referees and specialists in technical, performance, fitness, sports physio and sports psychology.
OFC Head of Referees Academy Alejo Perez Leguizamon said the programme will present opportunities to further develop refereeing in the Pacific.
“I am looking forward to seeing our members officiate at the highest possible levels they can achieve,” Perez Leguizamon said.
“In this programme it’s important for our referees to not only be focussed on the end result, but to enjoy the journey.
“I’m excited for the experiences that lie ahead for our match officials to grow as leaders and make connections with people through football.”