The Oceania Football Confederation Football Division hosted a three-day workshop earlier in March to review 2021 and plan for 2022.
The event was held online via Zoom due to the current COVID-19 restrictions in New Zealand.
OFC Chief of Football Division Patrick Jacquemet said the purpose of the workshop was to re-align as a team.
“Each department shared their missions for 2022, while we celebrated what we had achieved last year as a division,” Jacquemet said.
“It was also an opportunity for us to introduce new staff members and provide them more understanding of everyone’s responsibilities.”
Head of Football Development Paul Toohey echoed those thoughts.
“It’s very important we can come together for these workshops to listen and ask questions. It provides opportunities for greater support and collaboration between all teams,” Toohey said.
On Wednesday, the Social Responsibility department shared their mission before OFC Clubs and Leagues Officer Steven Dillon provided updates on Clubs and Leagues activity in the afternoon.
OFC Head of Refereeing Kevin Stoltenkamp presented on Thursday followed by the Football Development department.
Stoltenkamp said the workshop was a great opportunity to discuss the work done by the Football Division.
“The workshop also highlights the emphasis on development and training of people in our region based on what I call a Pacific approach, our people, our culture, our needs,” Stoltenkamp said.
“It reassures that we are working with our Member Associations to achieve success based on their needs.”
On the final day there were presentations from both the Finance department and Education and High-Performance department.
The Football Division will have two more workshops at the end of June and October 2022.