The Oceania Football Confederation (OFC) has launched its first strategic plan dedicated to women’s football.   

The ALL IN: OFC Women’s Football Strategy 2027 aims to increase the development, growth, sustainability, and professionalisation of the game, leading to greater performances on the world stage.   

The inaugural OFC Women’s Football Strategy will lay the foundations for achieving OFC’s goal of having two competitive teams at the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2027.  

Providing direction, purpose and guidelines for women’s football in Oceania, this strategy will also assist with the creation of an inclusive footballing culture, which inspires and empowers females across all sectors. 

OFC President Lambert Maltock said it was a crucial time for women’s football development.   

“The strategy is binding governors and administrators of football to develop the women’s game in every aspect and level over the next six years,” he said.  

“It aligns with our commitment to ensure that we provide as many opportunities as possible for women in the region.”  

FIFA President Gianni Infantino said the OFC Women’s Football Strategy represents a historic and significant moment in Oceania.

“This new strategy launches an exciting new era where women’s football can thrive across the region,” he said.  

“We want to see 60 million girls and women around the world playing our game by 2026. 

“In order to achieve this objective, we need the support of the Confederations and Member Associations to provide the pathways and the frameworks for these players. 

“On behalf of FIFA, I would like to congratulate Lambert Maltock, Johanna Wood, Rajesh Patel, my colleagues at OFC and all their Member Associations for the launch of your strategy.   

“FIFA is all in for women’s football and you can always count on our support.” 

The strategy has been built on five key pillars:  

  • An Equal Oceania – Participation: Breaking down the barriers  
  • A Visible Oceania – Visibility: Raising the awareness of possibilities  
  • A Stronger Oceania – Education: Building the foundations  
  • An Elevated Oceania – Performance: Raising the standards  
  • An Inclusive Oceania – Culture: Leading by example  

An Equal Oceania – Participation: Breaking down the barriers  

Break down the barriers and increase accessibility for girls and women in football, to ensure girls and women are meaningfully engaged in all aspects of football.   

A Visible Oceania – Visibility: Raising the awareness of possibilities  

Create awareness and raise the profile of women’s football in Oceania to increase participation, visibility and value of women’s football and women in football.  

A Stronger Oceania – Education: Building the foundations  

Build foundations of women’s football and increase the capacity and capability of girls and women in football.  

An Elevated Oceania – Performance: Raising the standards  

Raise the standard, frequency, and delivery of women’s football to drive performance and have more competitive teams at OFC and FIFA competitions. 

An Inclusive Oceania – Culture: Leading by example  

Strengthen the culture of governance in football to improve gender equality and foster a safe, positive, and inclusive environment for all.  

OFC Women’s Football Manager Emma Evans praised the Member Associations and their efforts to continue the progression of the women’s game.  

 “I would also like to thank the invaluable contribution from our Member Associations, General Secretaries, Technical Directors, Women’s Development Officers, OFC and FIFA for their help in developing this strategy,” she said.  

“We’re all committed to focusing on the five key pillars and bringing it to life to grow women’s football in Oceania.  

OFC will continue to celebrate the beautiful cultures, traditions and history of the Pacific as we forge a new path ahead for women’s football in Oceania.”   

OFC General Secretary Franck Castillo echoed those thoughts. 

“OFC’s vision was to develop a new strategy for women’s football, and it’s completed,” he said.  

“The FIFA Women’s World Cup 2023 serves as motivation towards our goal of having at least one team participate in the event.  

“The time is now to invest in our women’s game and we’re looking forward to creating a long-lasting legacy linked in with OFC’s long-term goal of qualifying two teams at the FIFA Women’s World Cup 2027.”  

As part of the launch of the OFC Women’s Football Strategy, OFC have appointed 11 Women’s Football Ambassadors, one for each Member Association who will carry out the values of  women’s football across Oceania.   

OFC’s Women Ambassadors: 

American Samoa | Olivia Vaiomounga
Cook Islands | Teretia Teinaki
Fiji | Naomi Waqanidrola
New Caledonia | Jackie Pahoa
New Zealand | Meikayla Moore
Papua New Guinea | Yvonne Gabong
Samoa | Torijan Lyne-Lewis
Solomon Islands | Laydah Samani
Tahiti | Kiani Wong
Tonga | Lositika Feke
Vanuatu | Rita Solomon      

 Click the links below to read the full ALL IN: OFC Women’s Football Strategy 2027: 


