The organisation is running an OFC junior coaching course at Loto Tonga Soka Centre in ‘Atele this week. The three-day workshop is being attended by 15 sports masters from 13…
The organisation is running an OFC junior coaching course at Loto Tonga Soka Centre in ‘Atele this week. The three-day workshop is being attended by 15 sports masters from 13…
The workshop, which started on Wednesday, is being held at Loto Tonga Soka centre in ‘Atele with around 20 football club and team representatives in attendance plus sports reporters and…
The 30-minute weekly show, which started airing earlier this month, is produced by Tonga Football Association (TFA) Media and Marketing Officer Tia Soakai and includes a round-up of football activities…
Chaired by TFA senior vice president Paula Ma’u, last week’s meeting involved 11 of the country’s 16 clubs.Top of the agenda was the budget and departmental reports reflecting a progressive…
The workshop, which concludes today, has been conducted by Referee Development Officer Massimo Raveino (TAH), Referee Instructor Neil Poloso (SOL) and Fitness Trainer Kader Touati (FRA) who make up the…
This week Tonga Football Association (TFA) has been distributing some good cheer in the form of ‘Just Play’ kits to schools and community.The lucky beneficiaries are Kolomotua, Longolongo, Ngeleia, Nukualofa,…
The initiative, which aims to promote physical activity among children aged 6-13, has been developed by Oceania Football Confederation (OFC) in close collaboration with its 11 Member Associations including Tonga…
OFC has worked closely with Tonga Football Association (TFA) and the Tongan Government to introduce the programme which promotes physical activity (especially, but not only, football) for children aged 6-13…