The Park has played host to the Football For Live Grassroots Festival organised by the Vanuatu Football Federation, for the past two consecutive Fridays.
The second ever festival was attended by 100 children on 31 October, with the numbers for the event held on 7 November yet to be announced.
“On behalf of the VFF Grassroots staff we would like to thank our faithful volunteers, teachers and children for taking part in the programme,” says VFF development officer George Kalo.
With the festival gaining in popularity, organisers expect it to expand to other areas with further schools in Port Vila and Efate requesting festivals of their own.
Centreal School, which hosted October’s festival, were delighted to welcome the Grassroots event with the kids making the most of their time with the round ball.
Fresh Wota Primary School and Pango Primary School were the hosts of last week’s two festivals.
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