The course was led by OFC Women’s Football Development Officer Nicola Demaine with assistance from FFS Just Play Project Manager Lynette Laumea Fa’aiuaso, Just Play development Officer Nadia Malifa and new Just Play coach Talitiga Tumanuvao.
Held at the Regional Technical Centre in Iva, Savai’i the course welcomed 18 local coaches, 15 of them female, and covered coaching different age groups with a focus on coaching U-15 players during training sessions and matches.
FFS Savai’i-based development officer Tam Falute says the course was a chance for him to learn how to coach and promote football for women and girls so that he can start to deliver programmes specific to the women of Savai’i.
Demaine says with the new facilities in Savai’i and a full-time development officer, women’s football is in a better position than it has been before.
“FFS are hoping that in time Savai’i will offer the same opportunities to players as those on Upolo receive,” she says.
“Providing a course like this is a clear indication of the path Samoa wants to create for female footballers. Upskilling the coaches in Savai’i means that the island has a strong base of football knowledge that can be passed on to players.
“The future should see the Soccer Sisters programme brought more regularly to Savai’i and also teams from there will hopefully take part in the FIFA-sponsored women’s league which starts in October.”
The course concluded with a football festival organised for children from a local school.
The OFC Women’s Football Coaching Course was held from 8-11 September at the FFS Regional Technical Centre in Iva, Savai’i.
Savai’i coaches welcome first women’s course