The “Small Kirios Festival” was attended by over 50 local girls aged between 11 and 12. It was launched by the Guadalcanal Football Association.
OFC Women’s Football Development Officer Nicola Demaine says it provides an excellent platform to allow girls to become involved in football.
“So far we have the programme up and running in Samoa, Papua New Guinea, Fiji and now the Solomon Islands, which is great to see,” Demaine says.
“The idea is that we provide them with everything they need to run the event, from designing a logo to producing banners and giving them footballs and other equipment.
“The festival aims to encourage girls to get involved not only as players, but also as coaches and referees.”
After the festival each girl was given a pink football to take home.
Solomon Islands Football Federation women’s development officer Diane Justus says providing girls with the means to play football is a significant step.
“It is an opportunity for each girl to own a soccer ball of her own, and as such she can play anytime and anywhere she wants to,” Justus says.
“Usually girls don’t have that freedom to play, simply because they don’t have the equipment needed.
“It is nice to know that will no longer be an obstacle for these girls.”

The next Small Kirios Festival will take place in Vaturanga on 21 November.
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