“Our preparations are on track for the launching which will take place at the end of this month. Clearance works on the proposed site has already been done and all is set for the launching ceremony,” said Maineke.
The launching which is slated to be held on 29th of this month will be attended by football heavyweights including PNGFA/ OFC and FIFA vice president David Chung and other FIFA representatives.
Maineke said Chung and his delegation will arrive in Buka on the 28th August and will travel straight to Arawa where they overnight before travelling to the launching site.
The launching ceremony for this 29 hector academy will be held at Manetai in the Eivo-torau constituency of Central Bougainville.
“A memorandum of agreement will be signed there between FIFA, ABG and ABG Minister for primary industry Nicholas Darku who is the principle landowner of the area that will accommodate the academy.”
According to Maineke, FIFA will be allocating US$600, 000 while the Autonomous Bougainville Government will counter fund this project with K1.8 million.
FIFA’s contribution will be sourced from the world soccer body’s Disadvantaged Countries Fund program.
Chung and his delegation will depart Bougainville on the 30th of this month.
Meanwhile, Maineke has commended the Bougainville Regional MP Joe Lera for allocating K150, 000 towards clearance works on the academy’s proposed site, before adding that Lera has made a commitment to continue supporting the academy with financial assistance in future.