The men from Oceania invited the youths to their team hotel in Barra for breakfast and a chat, before giving the kids a glimpse of life in the world of top-level football. The youngsters were still present and very much part of the group when coach Eddy Etaeta announced his line-up for the match and held his customary team talk.
After the kids spontaneously gave a concert on the beach in front of the hotel, keeper Mikael Roche, Greece-based Marama Vahirua and their team-mates had one more surprise up their sleeves, as they presented the delighted youths with tickets for their meeting with La Roja at the legendary Maracana.
FTF president Henri Thierry Ariiotima said along with the coach and technical staff, the goal was to show that football is not only a sport, but that there is a social aspect to the game.
“That’s why we decided to invite children from the favela, so they can learn the true meaning of football.”
To see a video of Tahiti spending time with the children and preparing for their historic meeting with Spain click here
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Tahiti lay on treat for favela kids