The participation of Red Cross Vanuatu in the recent Together Kids Program around the country is a bonus to both the Vanuatu Football Federation (VFF) and to schoolteachers and club coaches around the country.

The Together Kids training program is a national program organised by VFF in providing training to schoolteachers and football club coaches to become junior referees during their own competitions.

This year VFF had decided to visit all parts of the country unlike last year where the program only staged in Port Vila, Santo and in Tanna.

VFF’s instructor Marcellino Barthelemy who this week continued with the program in the island of Malekula told Daily Sports that one of the most interesting part of his training program in the involvement of Red Cross.

“Involving Red Cross in our program is very important because participants also had the chance to learn the first aid techniques we need to know in times of injuries and our trainees learn a lot,” he said.

The Red Cross representative Dennie Manvoi had companied Mr. Barthelemy around the islands especially to Pentecost and Santo giving instructions on how to use first aid techniques when players encounter injuries during the games.

Mr. Barthelemy reported that Mr. Manvoi’s involvement is having an impact on many people who attended their training workshops and for many it is their first time to go through such skill training from Red Cross.

“Mr. Manvoi’s participation really help our training program and it can boost VFF’s trainings in future,” Mr. Barthelemy explained to Daily Sports.

VFF will continue with its training program in the island of Malekula, Epi and Tanna this week.

PICTURE CAPTION: Red Cross trainer Mr. Manvoi displayed some of the first aid techniques to the participants during their training in Pentecost last week.