The course was run by Oceania’s FIFA Refereeing Assistance Programme (RAP) team and was led by referee development officer Massimo Raveino, referee instructor Neil Poloso and fitness instructor Kader Touati.
It introdcued the referees taking part to stricter fitness requirements, as well as giving them a renewed insight into the FIFA Laws of the Game.
Raveino thanked the referees for participating and called on them to work together with the Solomon Islands Football Federation (SIFF) administration.
“We are here to serve the interests of SIFF,” he said. “We are not here for our private interests but we are here to develop refereeing and football in general.”
Participant John Sa’ohu said the week had been very fruitful and those taking part had learned many things that would help them in their refereeing careers.
“We have truly gained a lot during this week from the course,” he said. “We would like to thank the instructors for their dedication in the delivery of this programme.”
SIFF general secretary Eddie Ngava joined the referees in congratulating the FIFA RAP team on their work.
“This week I witnessed a very passionate delivery of the content and I am very pleased that our referees are in a position to benefit from the training provided by this energetic team,” he said.
Ngava also commended the referees by saying: “I would like to congratulate the referees who attended this course for their courage in making the choice to be a part of football.”
SIFF referee development officer Justin Mutukera is happy with how the course went but acknowledged that certain areas have been highlighted in which local referees need to work hard on throughout next year.
“Our referees need to improve on how they understand the laws of the game and also on their fitness,” he said. “These will be areas my office will work on so that performances from our team members are at the expected standard.”
The FIFA follow-up elite refereeing course will be held again in the Solomon Islands during November, 2011.
Referee course ends on high note