These new coaches are the initial wave of New Zealand Football’s ambitious drive to attract 3500 coaches to the sport this season under the Small Whites programme, and NZF Director of Football Development John Herdman says the most pleasing aspect is that the courses appear to be drawing out many who have previously watched from the wings.
“Traditionally, the Saturday morning football coach has been the Dad of one of the kids but the demographic is changing,” Herdman said.
“Dads are still very much part of the picture, but Mums are now jumping in, gumboots and all.”
“We starting to see the growth of this idea of football families, where Mum and Dad are both involved in some way, and both the child and parents stay involved in football for far longer than they used to.”
Dwayne Woolliams, the project manager for the Small Whites coaching drive says over a quarter of enquiries about the free coaching courses have been from females and he expects that trend to continue as throughout the season.
“The feedback we’ve had Mums on early courses has been eye-opening,” Woolliams said.
“Women have been telling us they now feel excited and prepared for a new role in their child’s sport and how they plan to spread the word to other football Mums.”
Woolliams has also been heartened by the uptake from the education sector, where courses already booked for primary, secondary and tertiary institutions around the country.
“It’s a great fit for primary schools given the age of the students and how involved teachers usually are with sport at that age group, but also for students studying to be involved in sport themselves.”
“One of the first schools to embrace the offer was Puhinui Primary School, which is in the heart of South Auckland rugby and rugby league country so we know we’re reaching new markets.”
“It’s about removing the barriers to getting involved. Obviously, there’s no cost but it’s also about demystifying the art of being a good coach for kids. Everyone can do it with a bit of guidance.”
Free Small Whites coaching courses will continue throughout the 2010 winter football season.
Story courtesy NZF Media.
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The changing face of Small Whites coaches