What did take them by surprise was the speed and scale of the response. Within two days of the registration process being made public there were already 350 volunteers signed up and over 3,000 had viewed the registration page.
“We never doubted we would reach our target of 1500 volunteers but have been humbled by the overwhelming response to date. It seems that the New Zealand public has already fully engaged with the tournament and many are keen to be an integral part of the team that delivers it to the world.” LOC Volunteer Manager, Anna Duncan says.
Duncan said that with so many volunteer positons available, across the 7 host cities, there would be plenty of opportunities for those keen to offer their services and encouraged them to register via the official site.
Duncan went on to say that every major sporting tournament relies on volunteers for its success and that while the role involved the giving up of valuable personal time it also offered those who took part.
“It is a unique opportunity to be an Ambassador for your country as well as playing a vital role in the greatest global celebration of football ever seen in New Zealand.”
The registration close 17 October.
To register as a volunteer go to www.FIFA.com/NZ2015.