Education at this age is very important and FTF follows the same principle when it comes to football. The Federation has committed equipment and logistical support to clubs around the country so they can develop youth football together. To aid the constant growth of the game among youth FTF, in partnership with FIFA, organised a Grassroots Festival which was held on Saturday 2 May, as part of the FIFA Grassroots Course in Tahiti.
Supervised by OFC Head of Education Didier Chambaron, the festival gathered 90 young players and 20 educators from around Papeete.
‘’It is important to put young players in a real situation which is more helpful for understanding the kids at this young age,’’ Chambaron says.
‘’The structure of football for 6-12 year olds can help aid the restructure of the whole club, with a better understanding of the role an educator plays on and off the field. The whole objective is to provide the right development for the kids at this age.’’
Chambaron is delighted at the growth and positive change he has witnessed in the FTF technical department.
‘’I come to Tahiti regularly and I have seen a lot of positive changes made by the technical department. I see a real willingness from the federation to develop the game at youth level,’’ he says.
Among the 108 active football associations around the country, almost 75 per cent of them are organising football activities and training sessions spread over nine months, from September to May next year.
FTF has created six age categories under which it has divided its youth activities; U-7, U-9, U-11, U-13, U-15 and U-18.
For the last four years almost 180 young players from the U-7 category have come together to take part in the U-7 Festival which is held up to eight times per year.
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