The league is divided into three divisions; 12 teams are competing in the Men’s, seven in the Women’s and six teams are playing in the U-18 Men’s division.
Men’s Division
Competing in the men’s division are Atu’u Broncos, Black Roses, FC SKBC, Green Bay, Ilaoa & To’omata, Lion Heart, Pago Youth, PanSa, Tafuna Jets, Utulei Youth, Vaiala Tongan and Vaitogi United.
The last time FFAS held a Five-A-Side outdoors tournament was two years ago in 2013 when a futsal competition was moved outdoors and played on grass midway through the competition due to the unavailability of a gymnasium.
Utulei Youth ended up winning that competition and have returned this time around with a few core players from that team for the league.
The competition will be a two, round-robin contest with play-offs for the top four.
Women’s Division
This is the first time the Five-A-Side for women will be played after a three year hiatus. In 2012 Black Roses won the last league of this format while for the last two years it has been running as a seven-a-side league.
The Black Roses aren’t fielding a team this year but with a number of their former players turning out for PanSa, they’re now the favourites for this year’s contest.
Winners of last year’s Seven-A-Side competition were the Tafuna Jets with back-to-back wins. They will be back and have returning players from those teams, making them a contender in the seven-team league as well.
The teams are Green Bay, Ilaoa & To’omata, Lion Heart, Pago Youth, PanSa, Tafuna Jets and Utulei Youth.
The format will be a two round-robins contest with the team having the most points at the end set to earn the champions title.
Men’s U-18
This is the first time a youth competition is being featured alongside senior level contests with only six teams participating — Green Bay, Ilaoa & To’omata, Lion Heart, Pago Youth, Utulei Youth and Vaiala Tongan.
The teams will play two round-robins with the side with the most points to be determined as the division’s winners.
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Five-A-Side kicks off in American Samoa