“HAPPY to be back” was his opening statement when approached to comment briefly on his return. `King Allan Gillett’ as he is known in 2004, when he guided Solomon Islands to its first World Cup play off with Australia returned this time not to coach the national team but to pass on his knowledge to aspiring coaches.
He was excited and overwhelmed to return to Solomon Islands once more for the FA course.
Gillett takes the Solomon’s to heart and will always grasp any opportunity to come back here.
So when approached by the FA he took the opportunity with open hands.
“I have always been looking forward for an opportunity and after I learnt that the FA has a deal with Fiji and Solomon Islands I knew I would return here,” he says.
The FA has engaged Gillett as one of the nine regional coaches and he is responsible for South West of England.
As a regional coach, his main duty is to develop coaches and he no longer involve in coaching teams.
“I miss that bit but opportunities do pop up time and again so I will always have another chance” he says referring to his desire to coach a team.
Gillett has involved in FA’s programmes in South America and the Africa’s in the last three years.
Besides he also maintained his connections with Singapore, Japan and another country in the Middle-East.
But for now, his mind is focused on what he is here for and looks forward to catch up with old friends including those players he took to Adelaide and created history for Solomon Islands.
Gillett maybe from England but he takes Solomon Islands to heart and considers his second coming as home coming.
Three years on and Gillett or King Gillett as referred to by the media in 2004 is still very active as coach and will use the one week to impart as much knowledge to young aspiring coaches before he returns to England.