On its opening day Merifutbol attracted 51 young girls who will now meet every Friday until November at the KSA Soccer Field.
It’s the first junior football competition for girls who, without this competition, would be left out of competitive football activities until they are older.
PNGFA representative Margaret Aka was present on the opening day and says the programme is an excellent opportunity for you girls.
“It is anticipated more girls will play football as football is the main sport played in the Province,” she says.
While the last 9v9 games of the day were played in drizzling rain it wasn’t enough to dampen the girls’ spirits as they completed their games in good fun.
“The launch created an ideal ‘girl’s day out’ atmosphere and a welcoming environment for girls to play football,” Aka says.
“The girls versus girls element helped drive the girls to take up the juggling challenge which ended the day.”
Ruango Primary dominated the juggling challenge earning two footballs for their school.
Support for the Kimbe launch of Merifutbol was supported by OFC and FIFA.