“It is one of FIFA’s missions, especially that of President Joseph S. Blatter, that women’s soccer be developed and especially at an early age, through programs such as this,” explained FFAS President Faiivae Iuli Alex Godinet during the opening ceremony of the high school festival on 18 January.
“Women are making strides in the world of soccer in all areas, from being players all the way to coaching and being administrators. Last year FIFA, for the first time, elected a female member to its executive committee,” he continued.
The high schools involved were Fa’asao-Marist, Faga’itua, Leone, Nu’uuli Voc-Tech, Kanana Fou, Samoana, South Pacific Academy and Tafuna, bringing the total number of participants to 200.
As for the clubs, close to 50 girls turned up for the festival on 20 January.
All the participants received uniforms made available by FIFA to FFAS for the program.
Deputy director Philo Jennings was on hand to represent the American Samoa Department of Education and he implored the little more than 200 high school girls to use soccer as a tool to be healthy.
“This event not only pushes for our soccer program but it also tries to tackle one of the major issues on our island – obesity,” Jennings pointed out.
“So this program is important, not because of who is to win and who is to lose, but it is important for your health.”
Amio Mavega-Luvu, a member of the FFAS executive committee and MC of the opening shared the festivals objectives.
– Use soccer as a social tool to encourage healthy lifestyle
– Promote and develop women’s football in American Samoa
– Increase participation/interest around soccer
– Having a girls-specific program
– Learn to play football in a fun, safe environment
“It is a fact that females have a higher percentage of obesity in American Samoa than males,” Maevega-Luvu explained.
“So girls, this is one way to eliminate and take our gender out of this statistic by being physically active and playing soccer.”
Ursula Te’o-Martin, an exercise physiologist for ASCC’s Community and Natural Resources Division, led the participants through a warm-up session that included hot-hula and cardio exercises relating to sport.
The activities included hand ball matches, tug-of-war and fun games. The next high school girls festival is scheduled for next month while the clubs’ festival will have its second one coming this Saturday.