“This is your first step towards coaching senior, adult players,” instructor for FIFA and OFC coach-mentor Simon Toselli told participants.
“It is totally different from the youth courses because this time the aim is to provide you, the coaches, with the ability to plan, deliver and evaluate your team in order to provide better training sessions.”
The age group this course targets begins at 17 years old through to senior adults.
Theoretical and practical sessions will be held throughout the five day course, with a heavy emphasis on the latter, according to Toselli.
“At the end of the week I want you all to progress together and I encourage every single person to be active during the course.”
FFAS vice-president Sandra Fruean was on hand to officially open the course on behalf of the president, Faiivae Iuli Alex Godinet, the executive committee and the association.
“If you have a passion for soccer, then you can complete this course and go on to share all this knowledge with your club,” Fruean said.
“You will be able to use this information and knowledge to make your team better.”
As well as being required to attend all five days of the course, participants will also have to be assessed by Toselli either at the conclusion of the course or within the next six month.l
If they pass, they will be accredited with a certificate to be delivered by the OFC or FFAS techncial department.
FFAS technical director Rupeni Luvu is assisting Toselli to deliver the course, which is being held at FFAS headquarters in Pago Pago from 13-17 October.
For more on American Samoa football go to www.ffas.as
Toselli brings FIFA course to Pago Pago