The two-day course was conducted by Just Play technical coordinator Emmie Sope, who led the participants through the football drills association with Just Play and explained the importance of the programme’s healthy living message.
Football Federation American Samoa (FFAS) president Iuli Alex Godinet was on hand to provide an opening address for the course and expressed his delight that Just Play would now be getting off the ground in American Samoa.
“Just Play is a programme that has been long awaited by our association and we look forward to the day when we finally launch it in our schools,” he said.
FFAS Just Play coordinator Naomi Oney was one of those taking part and believes Just Play will make a positive difference to the country’s youth.
“It’s a great programme for the young children and we hope to include more schools later on,” she said.
Six schools are currently being targeted – the Tafuna, Lupelele, Coleman, Mt Alava, Alofau and Afono primary schools – and the launch date will be determined shortly.
Developed by the OFC social responsibility and technical departments, Just Play is a FIFA-approved initiative that promotes physical activity for children aged six to 12 while encouraging community involvement and healthy living. It was launched in Tonga in October 2009 and has since been introduced in Vanuatu, Tahiti, Solomon Islands, Cook Islands, Samoa, Papua New Guinea, Fiji and Auckland, New Zealand.
OFC will continue to work closely with UEFA, Football Federation Australia (FFA) and the Government of Australia – through its agencies the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) and the Australian Sports Commission (ASC) – to roll out the Just Play programme across the Pacific. The Australian Government has shown its support to the project by contributing AU$4million.
The confederation has also been working in New Zealand with Special Olympics (NZ) on a Just Play programme for people with mental disabilities and launched the new initiative in Samoa in November.
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