The workshop, which started on Wednesday, is being held at Loto Tonga Soka centre in ‘Atele with around 20 football club and team representatives in attendance plus sports reporters and TFA staff.
TFA coordinator Tia Soakai said the workshop would promote positive social education on HIV/AIDS among Tonga’s football fanatics.
“With football’s potential to unite and influence, the key aims are to reduce HIV transmission and increase HIV testing. It is also important to fight stigma and discrimination, to promote youth leadership and development, and to help break down social barriers,” said Tia Soakai, TFA media and marketing officer who is coordinating the programme.
“We hope that the workshop will not only galvanise the football public but also raise awareness of TFA’s HIV programmes.”
Each participant is being encouraged to further help spread positive health messages about HIV within their clubs and communities.
The workshop is an initiative of Tonga Family Health Association and funded through the National Aids Committee grant by the Secretariat of the Pacific Community.
It uses football as a vehicle to increase young people’s understanding of HIV/AIDS.
Story courtesy TFA Media