Just Play is a programme developed by the OFC social and technical departments, and is designed for children aged between six and 12 years. It promotes physical activity and healthy living.
The course was held on Monday and Tuesday at the Action Indoor Sports Stadium in Manukau and was led by Just Play coordinator Keith “Buzzer” Mackay from the Auckland Football Federation.
The former All White – he played in New Zealand’s 1982 World Cup campaign in Spain and earned 36 caps for his country – took the nine participants through a range of drills, exercises and theory sessions.
Those taking part received a booklet and coaching manual, as well as a certificate of participation to prove they have completed the course.
Each of the schools involved were also given four Just Play kits, which include balls, cones, markers, bibs, a whistle, a ball pump and other equipment that enables children to play football.
Mackay will work with the course participants in their schools to help them implement the six-week pilot which will hopefully become a part of their weekly programme.
Just Play is led by OFC Head of Social Responsibility Franck Castillo, Technical Coordinator Colin Tuaa and Just Play consultant Vania Kenning.
Kenning is pleased with the progress of the programme so far and is keen to see more schools get involved.
“We’ll be running more courses for South Auckland schools and communities,” she says.
“We’d like to encourage schools in South Auckland to take up this opportunity to have Just Play implemented in their schools.”
Just Play Manukau is supported by OFC’s partnership with the Sir John Walker ‘Find Your Field of Dreams’ Foundation, Counties Manukau Sport and Auckland Football Federation.
OFC is also currently working in New Zealand with Special Olympics (NZ) on a Just Play programme for people with mental disabilities.
Just Play progress continues