The children took to the football fields of Tuanaimato for the day-long competition, which was organised by Football Federation Samoa (FFS) with the support of the schools taking part.
A total of 75 teams participated in the tournament across four age-groups and those to pick up titles were Peace Chapel Primary, Le Amosa School, Samoa Primary, Vaivase Primary and Magiagi Primary, while Le Amosa also received the fair play award.
The matches were keenly fought with those taking part all doing their best to win but victory was not the focus. Participation and fun were the main aims of the event, which gave the children the chance to learn more about football, enjoy interacting and competing against students from other schools, make new friends and have a good work out.
FFS acting CEO Sarai Bareman was pleased with how the day went.
“The feedback about the tournament from the children, parents and teachers alike has been very positive,” she said.
“It was a fantastic day and has truly demonstrated what a powerful tool we have in football as a means of bringing people together to promote health, well-being and fair play, especially amongst the children.”
Just Play is a unique grassroots programme that promotes physical activity for primary-aged children while encouraging community involvement and healthy living.
Developed by the OFC social responsibility and technical departments, Just Play was launched in Tonga in October 2009 and has since been introduced in Vanuatu, Tahiti, Solomon Islands, Cook Islands, Samoa, Papua New Guinea, Fiji and Auckland, New Zealand.
OFC will continue to work closely with UEFA and the Government of Australia – through its agencies the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID) and the Australian Sports Commission (ASC) – to roll out the Just Play programme across the Pacific. The Australian Government has shown its support to the project by contributing AU$4million.
The confederation has also been working in New Zealand with Special Olympics (NZ) on a Just Play programme for people with mental disabilities and launched the new initiative in Samoa this month.
Just Play was introduced to Samoa last year in Apia and has since spread into 69 primary schools and 25 communities. Around 17,000 Samoan children have taken part in the programme so far.
For more on Samoan football go to