“I am impressed with the Just Play Programme and with its content I believe we can make further inroads towards healthy lifestyles, gender equality, social inclusion and education throughout the country,” Kato says.
Kato is working with the West New Britain Provincial Aids Committee as a JICA volunteer and was among 22 participants who attended a recent two-day Just Play workshop in Kimbe, West New Britain.
“The Just Play Programme has already been well received in Kimbe after a mini-festival was held straight after the workshop,” he says.
“The youths are really responding to all the initiatives and messages that we’re giving out through this programme. They have really oriented the programme to focus on the issue of nutrition, which is in correlation with the problems that are faced in the Kimbe community.
“I really can’t wait to put this programme in place, the kids will love it.”
As well as being a hit with local kids, Kato believes Just Play is of greater benefit to the wider community and nation with its focus on healthy eating and lifestyles.
“We’re working with health-related partners really closely so these messages will be addressed, we must not forget that today’s children are tomorrow’s adults.”
He adds that the gender and social inclusion policy the programme touts is equally important and a message that needs to be shared at this age.
“It is essential at a young age for boys and girls to learn that girls are their equals and need to be respected,” Kato explains.
“For girls, it can enable them to be better integrated into society and later offer access to better living conditions and/or roles of responsibility.
“Sport is very much a tool for social development enriching the lives of those who participate. Whether it is sport for health or sport for education or sport for integration – sport is a great tool for learning the rules of life.”
Just Play is a sport for development programme designed by the OFC Social Responsibility department with its partners UEFA, the Australian Government – through its agencies the Australian Agency for International Development and the Australian Sports Commission – Football Federation Australia, UNICEF and the New Zealand Aid Programme.
Through the integration of social messages and football-based activities, Just Play helps children to develop healthy lifestyle habits, encourages gender equality, promotes social inclusion and sports for all.
For more on Papua New Guinea football visit www.pngfootball.com.pg
Volunteer praises Just Play