PAGO PAGO – As part of the approved FIFA Roadmap activities in collaboration with Oceania Football Confederation (OFC) to restore football under an elected administration in American
Samoa, a Founding Congress of the Football Federation of American Samoa (FFAS) was held on Saturday 3rd November 2007.


The Founding Congress recognized that football in American Samoa had regained its credibility over the past two years and that FIFA, OFC and the Normalization Committee considered
that the normalization period had established the harmonious platform for the local football community to restore its equal standing among FIFA’s 208 member associations.


In accordance with FIFA and OFC approved criteria, among the 27 clubs registered with ASFA Normalization Committee for 2007 football activities, 25 clubs were eligible to vote at the
FFAS Founding Congress. However 2 registered clubs did not attend the Founding Congress leaving procedural matters to be voted on by delegates representing 23 clubs


Following an opening prayer by Normalisation Committee member Maselino Tautu, Chairperson Ms Pou Supapo formally opened the Founding Congress by acknowledging the tremendous support
provided by the clubs to reach this stage of the Roadmap activities – to “move football forwards in the territory for the real benefit of the youth of today and tomorrow”.


A roll call and appointment of scrutineers followed then an activity report presented by the Normalization Committee that illustrated milestones and achievements during the past two
years. Throughout the presentation it was clearly evident of the clubs support and contributions for football to be recognized as a well organized, professional and innovative sport.


Moving onto the business proceedings, FFAS Founding Congress delegates were presented with a list of new members of FFAS which had been approved by the Normalisation Committee that
satisfied the criteria set out by FIFA, the new FFAS Statutes and the new FFAS  Standing orders of the congress.


90% of the Founding Congress delegates and subsequently FFAS members formally approved these items presented by the normalization committee, and therefore FFAS was created.


At this time and with a clear mandate from the FFAS members, Chairperson Ms Pou Supapo confirmed that the date for the Inaugural Congress of the Football Federation American Samoa
would be held on Wednesday 12th December 2007.


A number of club delegates expressed their sincere thanks to FIFA, OFC, Normalisation Committee and staff for their combined efforts to reach this milestone in the development of
football in American Samoa looking forward to harmony and a solid football family for the future.


FFAS NC Chairperson Ms Pou Supapo in closing the Founding Congress thanked the members for their attendance, support and expressions of solidarity for the future development
and growth of the federation.

Story courtesy Football Federation American Samoa (FFAS)