The 16th-ranked New Zealand side meet Brazil (7) in Sao Paulo in the first of two matches on Sunday morning (NZ time) and the Liverpool-based striker says there has been advantages to the break in their international schedule after the FIFA Women’s World Cup in Canada in June.
“I think it was important for us to get away and re-gather ourselves and focus on different things,” White said in a session with NZ media on Thursday.
“I think everyone is really excited to get back together and learn from what we did at the World Cup and move forward.”
Since narrowly missing out on the knockout stages in Canada, White has been plying her trade with her club side in England – something the 22-year-old with 71 caps has relished.
“It’s been awesome playing professional football and not having too much else to worry about and be in a new environment and a new country.
“We’ve got eight internationals in the team and everyone brings something different which is cool to be a part of. The New Zealand style and the English style are quite well aligned so it was quite easy to fit into the style of it.
“It’s been so good to get a good amount of 90 minute games under my belt and being in a professional environment playing with and against great players every week, I think it’s inevitable that you improve. I think I’ve learned a lot and hopefully I can bring that into the Ferns environment.”
This week that means stepping out against Brazil, an on-field experience White says is not easily compared with the majority of teams the New Zealand side meet.
“We’ve played Brazil a few times and other South American teams and they bring something completely different to the table,” White said.
“It’s sometimes a little bit unpredictable which is not what we’re used to but I think it’s important to play these games and replicate whatever might get thrown at us at World Cups and Olympic Games.”
White, who scored the New Zealand goal in a drawn series between the two sides on home soil in 2014, says this two-match test offers a great chance to continue the hunt for improvement; specifically in and around the opposition penalty area.
“We’ve got such a great structure and such a great a team environment, I think it’s more the specific details that are going to push us on a little bit further. In its essence, it is things on the field that need to be better.
“It’s just about being better footballers and taking more ownership of our individual skills and making sure we bring what we need to bring into games that is going to win games.”
“We need to produce more goal-scoring opportunities and score more goals. Being in Liverpool, and understanding that it’s the same issue for all teams, it’s not the easiest part of the game to be great at.
“But I think if you nail that then you’re going to be in position to win games and that comes from the team being on the same page in the final third. Hopefully we can gel in these couple of games and push forward from there.”
Follow Rosie White and the Football Ferns in the first match against Brazil on Sunday at 6.30am LIVE on SKY Sport.
Match schedule
Football Ferns v Brazil
Saturday 28 November, 3.30pm (Sunday 29 November, 6.30am – NZ time)
Estádio do Pacaembu
Sao Paulo, Brazil
LIVE on SKY Sport
Football Ferns v Brazil
Tuesday 1 December, 9pm (Wednesday 2 December, 1pm – NZ time)
Arena Pantanal
Cuiaba, Brazil
LIVE on SKY Sport
Story courtesy of New Zealand Football
Refreshed White set for Brazil