Zova, founded in Australia by Niall McCarthy, pairs the learning of basic football movements with music.
Earlier this week McCarthy was joined by Zova trainer Andy Balzat as they introduced Zova to Football Federation Samoa staff and volunteers as well as OFC Just Play technical coordinator Emmie Sope during a three-day workshop.
McCarthy and Balzat ran volunteers through their paces during the workshop equipping them with the tools to bring Zova to children throughout Samoa with the course wrapping up with a festival on the final day.
FFS CEO Sarai Bareman says Zova is a tool for getting people active in a fun and social environment which is a great fit for Samoa.
“Samoan people love music and dancing and a combination of that and learning football skills is just perfect for Samoa. It popularises football so we can touch people that might not normally be interested,” she says.
“We were involved in the pilot for Just Play in 2010 and this perfectly supplements our other programmes.”
FSS media officer Angela Lafaiali’i says the response to Zova has been incredibly positive from volunteers and coaches as well as children.
“Zova helps overcome barriers between the coach and players. Some players who don’t always want to listen to the coach may find it easier listening to the music.”
For more on Samoan football go to www.footballsamoa.ws