The 39-year-old former navy blues goalkeeper and assistant coach announced his unavailability for the next campaign to club officials today.“I have come to a big decision that I will not…
Despite announcing his retirement the former player for Nantes, Nice, Lorient, Nancy, Monaco and Panthrakikos would love to top off a successful career with a World Cup appearance. But while…
The 18-year-old was unearthed by the club’s scouts during the FIFA U-20 World Cup held in Turkey during June and July and the wheels were put in motion. While the…
The course was run by OFC player development officer and instructor for FIFA Daniel Shirley with the aid of OFC coach/mentor Simon Toselli.Covering a variety of topics including longe term…
In contrast to the previous games yesterday’s encounter was a tight, tense game with few clear cut chances and defenders on top from the start. With the series tied at…
Also taking advantage of the chance to gain some top level experience was Vanuatu futsal referee Love Lui Malenarave who made his international debut last week.Having spent the past seven…
Led by FIFA Referee Instructor Mark Hestor, with the assistance of FFAS referee instructors Uini Aliva and Lemusa Alatasi, the course was held from 23-26 July with 16 participants looking…
See below for all the play-by-play action.Starting line-ups:Malaysia: 1. Firdaus RAZALI (GK) (c), 2. Abu HASAN, 4. Shamsul ZAMRI, 9. Qaiser ABDUL KADIR, 10. Fawzul MOHAMADSubstitutes: 3. Asmie ZAHARI, 5….
Malaysia’s Qaiser Abdul Kadir, one of their standout players throughout the tournament, gave his side an early lead scoring less than two minutes into the first half. However a determined…
See below for all the play-by-play action.Starting line-ups:Solomon Islands: 1. Anthony TALO (GK), 7. James EGETA, 12. Jack WETNEY, 11. Coleman MAKAU.Substitutes:3. Elliot RAGOMO (c), 4. George STEVENSON, 6. Atana…